
Showing posts from February, 2023

Series Din rail energy meters from YTL metering!

  Din rail energy meter compact size, easy installation, wide applications, buliding monitoring, EV charging meterings, renewable generator meterings, electricity data monitoring, etc. Din rail power meter is popular in European market, single phase energy meters, three phase energy meters, kWh energy meters,  electricity meters  with communications, multifunctions  energy meters ,  smart energy meters , etc. As an energy meters export factors, YTL is the earliest R&D din rail meters in China, with nearly 30 years. During this period, the new energy meter was launched every year, and many iterations were carried out in terms of product function, performance and design rationality; We have experienced accumulated in R&D design and manufacturing process. In 2022, Yongtailong launched a new generation of DIN rail energy meters, which have multiple functions, modular design, and wide coverage, suitable for various application scenarios. 1. Power parameters: singel phase 230V, curre

What is special about the renewable energy meter

  As  global  continues to warm, reducing carbon emissions has become a priority for every country,  and  getting a consensus on a common vision.   The use of various oil, gas, and coal in people's daily lives will  create  carbon emissions. It is necessary to reduce carbon dioxide emissions in the process of life and production, neutralize carbon dioxide through afforestation, and reduce carbon emissions through the development of clean energy and renewable energy. In the development of renewable energy power generation, solar power generation and wind power generation have been vigorously developed, centralized large-scale power generation and distributed generation have been widely applied, and renewable energy meters play a key role in the metering and billing of electricity.   Household  pv  distributed generation has been respected in many countries around the world, especially in developed countries .   H ome  pv  distributed generation is basically installed on the roof doe

Why din rail Power meter are becoming more and more popular

  According to the appearance, energy meters have many types, such as wall mounted meter, din rail meter, ANSI meter, panel meter, etc. In addition, depending on  the application environment , such as socket meters, etc. As time progressed,  intelligence,  d igitization  and automatization management are more demanding than ever before.T he demand for power meter installation has also increased significantly, and the contradiction of insufficient space for power meter installation has been highlighted.  The traditional wall mounted meters are large in size and can not meet the installation requirements. In recent years, the din rail meters  ha ve  been applied more and more   and is deeply loved In the international  for a long time. The appearance design of the  din rail Power meter  needs to abi de by DIN EN5002 standard, 35mm DIN standard rail installation; The size conforms to the DIN43880 standard, and the width of 1P does not exceed 18mm; If the width size of the 4P table is 18mm

How high quality energy meter manufacturers manage and control product quality

  Product quality is the lifeline of an enterprise, and energy meter as an electric energy measurement product is related to people's livelihood, so it has higher requirements on the quality of energy meter, which needs to be guaranteed through management, and  Yongtailong   will establish a high-quality quality assurance system as one of the company's strategies. Product quality management refers to the application of scientific methods under certain technical and economic conditions, direct or indirect determination or prior control of product quality to ensure that the required product quality for the user and a series of activities. The quality of the product is not tested, it is manufactured and designed. As a  ODM factory kWh meter   and an exporter of energy meters,  Yongtailong   has a particularly deep understanding of the importance of the quality of energy meters. It has always been from the source, in the research and development stage has penetrated the consciousne