
Showing posts from October, 2022

Let's Meet At Enlit Europe!

  We are glad to inform you that YTL will attend Enlit 2022 during  29th Nov.- 01st  Dec. 2022 in Frankfurt ,Germany with booth No.12.1F70.   Sincerely hope you will come to visit our booth at your convenience, and we will share our latest technology and product with you.    Pls keep us informed if you will go there.   Looking forward to hearing from you. #enliteurope     As global temperatures rise and the International Energy Agency (IEA) releases its World Energy Outlook report countries are fully implementing the commitments of the Paris climate agreement, ambassadors are specifically calling for increased autonomous contributions at the national level and clear strategies for achieving the goal of carbon neutrality by 2030. The APS sees a doubling of clean energy investment and financing over the next decade, but this acceleration ...

Electric energy meters help the development of power applications

  Electric energy meters help the development of power applications - Oct 25, 2022- Electric energy measurement is an important link in the production and operation activities of power enterprises and the safe operation of the power grid.   Trade settlement and assessment of the economic and technical indicators of the power system must rely on accurate and complete electrical energy measurement devices. The performance and management level of electric energy metering devices is not only related to the development of the electric power industry and the image of electric power enterprises, but also affects the accuracy and fairness of trade settlement, and involves the fundamental interests of the majority of electric power customers.   Although the meter is small, its requirements are very high. With the advancement of science and technology, the manufacturing and design level of electric energy meters has been continuously improved. The original mechanical meter has deve...

How to anti-tamper of energy meter?

  电能表如何防篡改? 随着电力用户用电需求的不断增加,部分电力用户   为了免费取电,以达到少交或不交电费的目的,采取各种 篡改电的手段。   篡改 电力不仅 给供电机构 造成巨大的  直接 经济损失 ,而且 对电网质量影响很大, 给电力用户带来安全隐患。 窃电现象在东南亚、非洲、南美等地区尤为严重,明确要求这些地区的电能表具有防窃电功能。                 今天给大家介绍一下电表的防篡改方法以及专业术语的澄清。 1、 绝对值测量:防止火线、零线接反; 零火线接反按正常正向测量计算 2、 开盖检测:有些窃电需要改变接线或仪表内部器件来实现,当电贼打开面盖时,可以发出开盖检测功能,尾盖报警并以以下形式保存到内存芯片中事件记录。 3、 磁场检测:通过仪表附近的磁铁影响仪表的测量精度,按标准要求在外磁场   ≤0.5mT   时仪表可以正常测量; 磁场检测功能可以检测到仪表附近的外部磁场何时发出警报并以事件记录的形式保存到内存芯片中。 四、 双回(零线)计量:普通仪表只测火线回路,而双回防窃电表也测零线,当检测到零线电流大于火线电流时,仪表使用零线电流进行功率计算。 当检测到零线电流大于火线电流时,仪表使用零线电流计算功率。   5、 掉零线计量:一般电表掉零线后会失去电源维持工作,停止工作会失去测电能力。 在南亚、南美这种通过破坏电表零线输入来篡改电的现象比较常见,根据这个痛点永泰隆设计开发的电表不用零线供电也能正常测量(负载电流大于0.5A的情况下)       电   篡改 的方法 是无穷无尽 的,但基本原理主要是通过   改变电能表测量的主要参数(电压、电流、功率因数),达到防电目的。 永泰隆是一家高新技术企业,自2000年以来一直专注于外贸电能表的研发、制造和销售,现已出口到近60个国家和地区。 深耕国际电能表市场20余年,我们对各国电能表的性能要求、功能要求等特殊要求有着清晰的认识。 在产品领先战略的指导下,发挥技术创新优势,在全球电能表市场站稳脚跟。