
Showing posts from July, 2021


In 2020, the shipment of the smart meter market in the Middle East and Africa is about 4.61 million units, and this number is expected to reach 8.62 million units by 2026, with a compound annual growth rate of 11.4% during 2021-2026.  With the rapid economic and population growth leading to an increase in energy demand, the Middle East and Africa have great demands for energy management. The African region, especially Nigeria, is actively promoting the automation of electric meter production. Several leading companies in the market have increased their production capacity by two times or more by building the most advanced manufacturing plants in their "Smart Power City" project. The largest of its kind in sub-Saharan Africa. It is sufficient to prove that manufacturing automation is very necessary. However, many countries in Africa are facing an urgent need for a large number of electricity meters without sufficient productivity.  YTL's automated smart meter production l...

Smart meter VS traditional meter

  目前市场上传统电表的使用面临哪些问题? 电力企业面临线损高、电表被盗损失巨大、人工抄表费时费钱等困境。 因此,大多数国家现在都在用智能电表取代传统的电表。  那么智能电表和传统电表有什么区别呢? 有哪些优势? 区别 智能电表 传统电表 1 带通讯功能,lora,RS485,WIFI,GPRS,Wi-Fine 否 2 记录每个时间段的用电量 否 3 用于分布式发电 否 4 选择资费 No 5 提供月账单, 否 6 选择预付费、后付费 否 以上对比表明,传统电表只有计数功能,不能满足用户节能、智慧低碳生活的需求。 面对各国两种趋势,细分电表购买的灵活性; 客户将选择 STS AMI 或 POSTPAID AMI 电表的灵活性。 目前的电表集成了预付费和AMI两大功能,可以自由选择: 传统(预付费/后付费)电表 智能电表 消耗监测 定期(例如每月总计)。 即时的。 阅读 手册(由技术人员阅读)。 自动(发送到云/本地服务器)。 沟通  没有任何。 双向(家庭到运营商和  反之亦然)。 的好处  消费者 • 一些预付费电表显示金额  付款前剩余的消费量为  必需的。 • 可以更好地调整电费  针对每个消费者的情况。  • 实时提供更好的客户服务  警报和远程可用数据。  • 较低的运营支出反映在消费者成本上。 的好处  运营商 • 降低前期成本。 • 自动计费。  • 有机会分析细粒度数据和  识别消费趋势。  • 远程调整资费类型/级别。  • 远程连接/断开。 公开数据显示,全球对智能电表的需求正在逐年增加。 欧美国家正在升级和更换电表。 非洲国家在发展过程中遇到用电和充电困难,只能用智能电表充电。 从长远来看,传统电表也面临被智能电表迭代取代的风险。  因此,越早踏入智能电表的行列,就能得到更好的发展。 永泰隆智能电表,通讯方式齐全,安装方式多样,是您进入智能电表市场的好伙伴!  欢迎联系我们! whatsapp/wechat: +8619...

YTL Metering 智能电表自动化制造

 YTL Metering Smart Electric Meter Automated Manufacturing   With the development of science and technology, well-known American companies Itron and Swiss L&G have transformed their production lines into automated production lines.  At the same time, YTL Metering realized that only by keeping pace with the times and constantly improving skills and knowledge, can we not be out of touch with the times and maintain a certain degree of competitiveness.  If the ordinary electric meter production line is upgraded to an automated production line, it will be great advantages. However, what kind of production line could be called smart meter automated production line? automated production line    1.There is a high degree of automation, and the flow operation does not need to be manually transported, and there is no need to manually disassemble or wire, which improves labor productivity and reduces labor intensity. 2.There is a strict production rhythm to speed ...

YTL Metering Micro Grid Solution!

 YTL Metering Micro Grid Solution! Statistics show that Nigeria is one of the fastest and most active countries in Africa. However, the steady growth of power generation is difficult to keep up with population and economic growth. The difficulty in power consumption has severely reduced the quality of life of the Nigerian people and affected the development of enterprises in Nigeria.  The government is using private capital to promote distributed power generation, so that the 73 million Nigerians , who account for nearly 1/3 of the country’s population, can have electricity in rural areas far away from cities and not covered by the grid. Facing the huge business opportunities of distributed power generation, YTL Metering can provide a one-stop installation solution from power generation to selling electricity. Micro grid installation solutions, including distributed power generation, energy storage devices, energy conversion devices, load and monitoring, and protection devi...